Sunday 11 January 2009

new cultures?

Growin up as a third culture child I found myself being understanding to other cultures. But I did not know if I was truly becoming somone who was able to become a part of the culture. I was purly akward. One road always crosses another, and in the crossing there is bound to be a accident. one by one we tend to think of ourselves as the upper hand being the "better" one. Some even think to the extent of saying "We need to help other countries, they do notknow how to live a civilized life" What is "help" in that sense? Are we suppose to truly give them what they want or are we force them for their own good. Currently many cultures have been destroyed due to the fact that we are introducing new methods of a "better" life. We are slowly destroying the cultures that actually are keeping this wordl in shape.
One way to stop this injustice is to be understanding. Just like any relationship, especially one with an opposite gender the cultures must be delecate with eachother. Because counries contain different cultures the people also contain different cultures. If people simply think of the culture as another family the simplicity of not destroying cultures may occur. And that is what respect and honor is.

The peace chid....

what is peace, and where will I find it? Like still waters the concept of peace is not easily determined nor is it kept stable in my life. I tend to see objects and people as one big puzzle constantly moving around and around in circles. Once the cycle is complete a new variable is inserted into the formula and repeates another cycle. The times when I thought I was at peace was when I thought the cyclecame to a stop and everything was placed in perfect ballance; equlibrium. That was before I found the perfect ballanced catalyst in the formula. One simple change in my life changed my ballance. From a insecure unstable walk, I found a wheelchair that would hold me secure. In the book "The Peace Child" a child is given to another village to proclaim peace, just as this someone came for me, Christ. He had become my refuge in my hardships, he had become my ballance in my disasters, he was simply a perfectbeing ballancing my life. Before I was in a war amoungst the collision of good and evil, but after finding christ I was at peace. He became the one who fought all my battles and kept peace with me and God.

The Sawi

Many aspects of a culture decides and develops the fundemental foundation in one's personality. The way to se rightfrom wong is determined in whch the surrounding characters react to a cuture that is formed long enough to be a fding stone of those characters. The Sawi culture cntains a unique sense of independant bondage, which is created by the headhunting canabalism that is embedded in their culture. These people are independant in a way where materialistic goods are not as important as the status of an individual. They are free fom the outer world and the misdirected sense of truth that is combined with it. The truth is that they are simple in their thinking. Right and wrong is easily determined by understanding and interpreting the situation. But due to their wrong concept of honor and respect the headhunting is continued. The Sawi are very similar to the culture we now live in. Money is the key to success in the culture we live in, killing and treatery is the key to success in the Sawi culture. Jst as this, we are simple people easily persuade and easily changed; and like a spiderweb, we are all conectd, as one.